Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

ONGC Videsh, operating overseas, understands its responsibility to contribute to the communities and economies of the countries in which it operates. ONGC Videsh is committed to create a positive and lasting social impact by developing successful partnerships built on mutual trust and respect, ultimately, raising the standard of living and the stability of the communities of the countries in which it operates. ONGC Videsh makes valuable contributions in many ways: through payment of tax revenues to governments; by investing in education and training and improving employment opportunities for nationals; providing medical/sports/agricultural facilities to the local communities, etc. Further, with the objective to ensure access by every citizen to information under the control of the Company and in order to bring in transparency and accountability, an appropriate mechanism has been set up at ONGC Videsh’s corporate office in New Delhi in the line with the requirements of Right to Information Act, 2005.

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CSR & S Policy of ONGC Videsh Ltd.

CSR & S Policy of ONGC Videsh Ltd(Hindi).