Investor Page

Annual Reports 2023-24

Annual Reports 2022-23

Annual Reports 2021-22

Annual Reports 2020-21

Annual Reports 2019-20

Annual Reports 2018-19

Annual Reports 2017-18

Annual Reports 2016-17

Annual Report 2015-16

OVL Annual Report 2014-15

OVL Annual Report 2013-14

Annual Reports 2012-13

Annual Reports 2011-12

Annual Reports 2010-11

Annual Reports 2009-10

OVL Annual Report 2008-09

OVL Annual Report 2007-08

OVL Annual Report 2006-07

OVL Annual Report 2005-06

OVL Annual Report 2004-05

OVL Annual Report 2003-04

Debenture Investor Contact Details

Email :
CGM– Head Corporate Planning & Strategy
ONGC Videsh Limited
Tower B, Deendayal Urja Bhavan,
Plot No. 5A- 5B, Vasant Kunj,
Nelson Mandela Marg,
New Delhi-110070
Phone : +91 11 26755347

Registrar and Transfer Agent

Karvy Fintech Private Limited
Karvy Selenium, Tower B,
Plot No- 31 & 32, Gachibowli,
Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Hyderabad- 500032

Smt. Nisha Dhingra
Company Secretary
ONGC Videsh Limited
Tower B, Deendayal Urja Bhavan,
Plot No. 5A- 5B, Vasant Kunj,
Nelson Mandela Marg,
New Delhi-110070
Phone : +91 11 26755346

Debt Securities Issued outside India
Citicorp International Limited
39th Floor, Citibank Tower
Citibank Plaza, 3
Garden Road Central
Hong Kong

About OVRL

ONGC Videsh Rovuma Limited (OVRL) was incorporated on April 15, 2019 as the wholly-owned subsidiary of the ONGC Videsh Limited (ONGC Videsh) with an objective to monetize the natural gas resources through development of LNG project offshore in Area-1 of the Rovuma Block Mozambique project( Area-1). The 10% participating interest in Area-1 was transferred by ONGC Videsh to the Company with effect from January 01, 2020.

There are five discovery areas (fields) in Area-1 viz. Prosperidade, Golfinho-Atum, Orca, Tubarao and Tubarao-Tigre. The major gas resources are located in two fields i.e. Prosperidade and Golfinho-Atum. Subsequent to announcement of Final Investment Decision in June 2019, the Area-1 consortium is currently progressing with the initial development plan of the Golfinho-Atum field in the Offshore Block through construction of a two train LNG facility of capacity 13.12 MMTPA.

Board of Directors

  1. Shri Omkar Nath Gyani – Chairman, Director(Operations), ONGC Videsh
  2. Shri Shyam Singh – Director, Head – Project Finance, ONGC Videsh
  3. Shri Raminder Singh Sawhney – Director, RP Mozambique, ONGC Videsh
  4. Smt. Nisha Dhingra – Director, Company Secretary, ONGC Videsh

Contact Details:

निशा ढींगरा / Nisha Dhingra
कंपनी सचिव/ Company Secretary
ओएनजीसी विदेशक रोवुमा लिमिटेड/ ONGC Videsh Rovuma Limited
संपर्क सं. / Contact No: +911126755346
ई-मेल पता/ E-mail address :

About OOIL

OVL OVERSEAS IFSC LIMITED (OOIL) was incorporated on December 07, 2023 as the wholly-owned subsidiary of the ONGC Videsh Limited (ONGC Videsh) in the Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) International Financial Services Centre (IFSC). The Company is registered with International Financial Services Centre (IFSCA) as a Finance Company to undertake the activities as Global/Regional Corporate Treasury Centre.

OOIL is entrusted with the pivotal role of onshoring the holding of overseas investments for ONGC Videsh and its group companies worldwide. By efficiently channeling resources generated globally, the Company aims to support ONGC Videsh’s expansion initiatives and contribute significantly to the nation’s energy landscape.

Board of Directors

  1. Shri Anupam Aggarwal– Chairman, Director(Finance), ONGC Videsh
  2. Shri Vinod Hallan – Executive Director- Finance, ONGC Videsh
  3. Shri Shibaji Mukopadhyay – Director, Head- Treasury, Budget & Tax , ONGC Videsh

Contact Details:

मोनिका गुप्ता / Monika Gupta
कंपनी सचिव/ Company Secretary
ओवीएल ओवरसीज आईएफएससी लिमिटेड/ OVL Overseas IFSC Limited
संपर्क सं. / Contact No: 011-26754404
ई-मेल पता/ E-mail address :


ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. (ONGBV) was incorporated on September 29,1995 as the wholly-owned subsidiary of the ONGC Videsh Limited (ONGC Videsh) in The Netherlands with its corporate seat in Rotterdam. The company is engaged in the exploration, extraction, marketing, trade and transport of oil, gas hydrocarbons and minerals in certain oilfields.

ONGBV is having two Subsidiaries: ONGC Campos Ltda, (OCL) Brazil and ONGC Nile Ganga (San Cristobal) B.V. (“ONGSCBV”), The Netherlands. ONGBV holds 50% equity share capital of Himalaya Energy Syria B.V., the Netherlands (“HESBV”), 40% equity in FALCON Oil & GAS B.V, and 8.347% in South East Asia Gas Pipeline Co. Ltd.

Van Gogh Museum Library

   Van Gogh Museum Library

ONGBV has ownership interests in the following projects directly or through step-down subsidiaries or joint ventures:

  1. 25% PI in Greater Pioneer Operating Company (“GPOC”), South Sudan
  2. 40% PI in Petrolera Indo Venezolana SA, in Venezuela through wholly owned subsidiary ONGC Nile Ganga (San Cristobal) B.V., Netherlands
  3. 27% PI in BC-10 Project in Brazil, through wholly owned subsidiary ONGC Campos Ltda, Brazil.
  4. 27 % in Tamba B.V. for leasing assets on behalf of BC-10 project.
  5. 25% PI in exploratory block BM-SEAL-4 located in Deepwater Offshore, Brazil through wholly owned subsidiary ONGC Campos Ltda, Brazil.
  6. 66% to 18.75% PI in four Production Sharing Contracts in Al Furat Petroleum Company (“AFPC”) which is under Force Majeure situation since 2 December 2011 through Joint Venture Himalaya Energy Syria B.V., Netherlands (for AFPC Syria Project) – 50% ONGBV.
  7. 347% PI in South East Asia Gas Pipeline Co. Ltd., (“SEAGP”) for the Pipeline project, Myanmar
    Cycling in Amsterdam

              Cycling in Amsterdam

  8. 40% ownership in Falcon Oil & Gas B.V. (a Joint Venture company wherein other shareholders are Indian Oil Global B.V. Netherlands-30% and BPRL International Ventures Ltd. B.V. Netherlands-30%) which holds 10% PI in Lower Zakum Project located in Offshore, Abu Dhabi
  9. Investment in cumulative preference shares Petro Carabobo Ganga B.V., the Netherlands
  10. Investment in cumulative preference shares of Imperial Energy, Russia

As per the financial statement for the year ended 31st March 2024 Net-worth of ONGBV is USD 2.2 billion

Board of Directors

  1. Shri Anupam Agarwal
  2. Shri Brajesh Kumar


Contact details:

Brajesh Kumar|,
ONGC Nile Ganga BV
World Trade Centre, B Tower, 7th Floor
Strawinskylaan 725, 1077XX Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 747 0224 (Office),
+31 650 126 775 (Mobile)

Anurag Pandey  |,
Vice President & Company Attorney
ONGC Nile Ganga BV
World Trade Centre, B Tower, 7th Floor
Strawinskylaan 725, 1077XX Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 747 0222 (Office),
+31 615 496 904 (Mobile)