To be a leader in pursuit & attainment of Health, Safety & Environment performance
No accident, no harm to people and promote environment protection
ONGC Videsh entrust withhighest priority to occupational health, safety and protection of environment.
ONGC Videsh is certified for Integrated QHSE Management System and is in line with
- Revised standards ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System),
- ISO 14001:2015 (Environment Management System) &
- ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System)
with the scope ‘The Business Development activities for Acquisition of overseas oil and gas fields and management of Exploratory, Developing and Producing Assets at OVL HQ.’
HSE Management System model
A safety management system is a systematic approach for managing safety, including organisational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures. The basic blocks comprise of Policy, Planning Implementation Corrective action and Review
Elements of HSE Management System
Element No. |
HSEMS Element |
Addressing |
Element 1 | Leadership, HSE Policy and Continual Improvement | Top-down commitment& Corporate intentions essential to the success & continual improvement of the system |
Element 2 | Hazard/ aspect identification, risk/ impact assessment & determining controls | Planning Establishing/ Planning the processes and objectives necessary to deliver results in accordance with the HSE Policy |
Element 3 | Legal & other requirements | |
Element 4 | Objectives, targets and Programmes | |
Element 5 | Resources, Roles, Responsibility, Accountability & Authority | Implementation & Operation Development and implementation of the processes planned for effective HSE management system |
Element 6 | Competence, Training & Awareness | |
Element 7 | Communication, Participation & Consultation | |
Element 8 | Documentation&Control of documents | |
Element 9 | Operational control | |
Element 10 | Emergency Preparedness and Response | |
Element 11 | Monitoring & measurement | Checking& Corrective action Performance monitoring and how corrective action is to be taken when necessary |
Element 12 | Incident investigation, Non-conformity, Corrective action & Preventive action | |
Element 13 | Control of Records | |
Element 14 | Internal Audits | |
Element 15 | Management Review | Review Periodic assessment of system performance,effectiveness and fundamental suitability |
- Management is committed to clearly defining HSE policy, HSE objectives, roles and responsibilities, by providing needed resources and by measuring, reviewing and continuously improving the HSE performance.
- Management, by personal example, both on and off the job be a model for positive HSE behavior and reinforce and reward positive behavior.
- Management is committed to assert itself for not only to ensure adherence to the applicable statutory rules and regulations, but to go beyond such benchmarks also.
- Management is committed to maintain a Safety Culture that would reflect in all the activities it perform, with the active involvement of all the employees, contractors, stakeholders and also the community.
- Everybody who works for OVL is committed towards HSE and is responsible to ensure that all HSE rules, standards and guidelines are followed to accomplish the task.
- All the Operated/Jointly operated projects follow the HSE rules and regulations of their respective Country.
- All injuries, occupational illnesses and environmental damage are preventable.
- HSE is fundamental to the conduct of our business.
- Doing things in HSE way always enhances productivity,profitability and sustainability.
- No work is so important that it cannot be done safely.
- Employee involvement, feedback, and recognition are fundamental to HSE.
- HSE behavior is doing the job right.
- Workplace risk shall be reduced in the following priority:
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering Controls
- Signage/ warning and/ or administrative controls
- Personal protective equipment
- HSE is not just the job of a few specialists. It’s everyone’s responsibility and everyone can make a difference.
- Safety off the job is an important element of our overall safety effort.
- Management is directly responsible for preventing injuries and occupational illnesses, protecting the environment for visibly and consistently establishing HSE as a priority.
- Employees and contractors are responsible and accountable for their actions.
- Employees and contractors have an obligation, without fear of reprisal, to notify management of apparent and imminent hazards and environmental aspects. Everyone has an obligation not to pursue any work that is unsafe and they have the right to receive timely and adequate responses.
- People are the most critical element in the success of a HSE programme.
ONGC Videsh has started its journey towards reporting triple bottom line approach in the form of sustainability report since FY2012-13. From FY2013-14 onwards, ONGC Videsh sustainability reporting has been a part of ONGC Group sustainability report. In FY2016, sustainability reporting got transitioned from global reporting initiative (GRI) G3.1 to GRI G4 guidelines.
With the unfolding of the Principle of Responsible Investment (PRI), several other reporting frameworks emerged in markets, to address the concerns of different groups of stakeholders/investors, Companies are now assessed and rated against their ESG performance and they also influence the credit rating of companies as well as faith of the investors. Taking note of the merits, ONGC Management directed that from FY 2019-20 onward GRI based ESG Reporting of ONGC Group of Companies is to be adopted along with Sustainability report.Subsequently, ONGC Management took note of the emerging reporting trends and SEBI guidelines on reporting and desired to adopt integrated reporting of ONGC Group of companies from FY 2020-21 onwards, in place of Sustainability Report/ ESG report.
Sustainability reporting |
ESG reporting |
Integrated annual report of ONGC group of companies |
2014-15 |
OVL adopted ERM system which is in line with DPE guidelines etc.. on Corporate Governance, ONGC Videsh had rolled out Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) System in 2012, which was further aligned with ISO 31000:2018, which is globally recognized Standard on Risk Management.
Risks have been mapped along with their causes and mitigating factors, which are monitored on periodic basis. The risk reporting structure is in place.