National Safety Week– Eventful HSE activities at ONGC Videsh

ONGC Videsh celebrated the National Safety Week from March 4th to 10th with great enthusiasm on the theme ‘Leadership in safety and health enhances business sustainability’ on the backdrop of getting QHSE re-certification for revised standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007.

On March 4th, Mr. Narendra K. Verma, MD & CEO through his message to employees asked their individual commitment to take care of their own safety, that of their colleagues, workers and contractors.

Mr. P.K Rao, Director (Operations) and Mr. Sudhir Sharma, Director (Exploration) administered the Health & Safety pledge in Hindi and English respectively to the large gathering of employees on 6th March.

ONGC Videsh employees taking the pledge

Apart from Awareness mails, safety alerts and regular competitions to arouse HSE awareness, many other activities were also taken up, which included QHSE internal audit, safety talk, safety video, talk by doctor on ‘Live well’ and presentation on contract with International SOS on Security & medical emergency at global level’.

While speaking on the occasion Mr. P.K Rao stressed on the importance of HSE in oil & gas sector in all areas. He appreciated documentation, housekeeping and time management at Russia, which needs to be emulated. He appreciated various activities taken up during National Safety Week and asked for disseminating learnings from various accidents world over. He emphasized on adopting the best practices and reducing environmental impacts, saying HSE also encompasses Security & Sustainability.

Mr. Sudhir Sharma emphasized that safety starts from home and touched upon the importance of HSE in overseas countries citing his experiences at Colombia. He asked to adopt best safety practices and to show commitment towards safety, by using safety belts while seating in the back seats of cars.

Mr. P.K. Rao, D(O) addressing the gathering                   GM, International SOS making presentation

ONGC Group Sustainability report for FY 2015-16 was released by Director (Operations) and Director (Exploration). They also unveiled the memorabilia, which is a first aid kit containing 21 items.


Directors releasing the Sustainability Reportand unveiling memorabilia

Employees and families of ONGC Videsh including those posted overseas participated with enthusiasm in poster, cartoon, slogan and quiz competition. On the spot quiz competition evoked great response and everyone enjoyed it. Prizes were distributed to the winners and their entries were also screened.

National Safety Week concluded with vote of thanks and with the resolve to achieve excellence in HSE.