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Active Tenders Archived Tenders
Type of Tender open
Tender Number OVL/DLH/MM/FOREX-DEALER/873/2014-15
Tender Title Hiring of Services for Provision of Foreign Exchange
Tender Location India
Bid submission Mode manual
NIT Date 2014-09-30 17:00:00
Bid submission End Date and Time 2014-10-10 14:00:00
Unpriced Bid Open Date and Time 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Remarks Hiring of Services for Provision of Foreign Exchange Type of Tender : Indigenous Open Tender Bidding system : Two Bid System Bid validity up to : 90 days from the date of opening of technocommercial Bid.

Tender and other documents

Document 1 File Name 873.2014-15.pdf