View Tender

Active Tenders Archived Tenders
Type of Tender ot
Tender Title Hiring of Agency for ESP and Completion tools & DST services For CPO-5 Block, Colombia
Tender Location Overseas
Country Colombia
Project CPO-5 Block
Name of Concerned Officer Parv Jain
Email of Concerned Officer
Contact No. of Concerned Officer 05714858700
Bid submission Mode Email
NIT Date 2023-03-02 18:25:00
Pre bid Conference yes
Pre bid Conference Date and Time 2023-03-16 08:30:00
Pre bid Conference Country : Colombia
Pre bid Conference State : Bogota
Bid submission End Date and Time 2023-04-17 23:59:00
Unpriced Bid Open Date and Time 2023-04-18 10:00:00

Tender and other documents

Document 1 File Name BD_427_2023_14- ESP and Completion Tools & DST -final-230302233314.pdf
Document 2 File Name Annexure-VIA- bidders response sheet-230302233314.xlsx
Document 3 File Name Annexure-VI-price format-230302233314.xlsx
Document 4 File Name Apeendix-1 of SOW- Sustainability Annexure-esp-230302233314.pdf
Document 5 File Name Apeendix-2 of SOW- Sustainability Annexure-eng-230302233314.pdf
Document 6 File Name Appendix 3 of SOW-Details of Environmental Management Plan and Environmental permits-230302233314.pdf
Document 7 File Name Appendix-5 of SOW- GANGOTRI Global License Resolution 0849 of 2020-230302233314.pdf
Document 8 File Name Appendix-6 of SOW Plan Manejo Ambiental-230302233314.pdf
Document 9 File Name Appendix-7 of SOW - Circular # 3 v8 ONGC - English (2) (1)-230302233314.pdf
Document 10 File Name Appendix-8 of SOW-Circular # 3 v8 ONGC - Espanol (1) (1)-230302233314.pdf
Document 11 File Name FORMAT OF SEEKING QUERIES-230302233314.docx
Document 12 File Name OK Autorización de uso de información personal (4) (1)-230302233314.docx
Document 13 File Name OVLSC-HSE-MAN-002_Manual HSE Para Contratistas - Version 0 (1)-230302233314.pdf
Document 14 File Name Annexure-III(Volume-II)-Scope of work for Completion Tools and DST Services_revised-230410162613.pdf
Document 15 File Name Annexure-III(Volume-II)-Scope of work ESP_Services_revised-230410162613.pdf