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Active Tenders Archived Tenders
Type of Tender lt
Tender Number OVL/DLH/MM/1607/2021-22
Tender Title Hiring of Financial Advisor for BM Seal -4 Brazil on Limited Tender basis
Tender Location India
Section MM
Name of Concerned Officer Swapnil jaikar
Email of Concerned Officer
Contact No. of Concerned Officer 9969223657
Bid submission Mode Email
NIT Date 2022-04-11 17:53:00
Pre bid Conference no
Bid submission End Date and Time 2022-04-26 14:00:00
Unpriced Bid Open Date and Time 2022-04-26 15:00:00
Remarks Bidder who meets the PQC shall submit their documents as given in the Tender.   The date of submission has been extended from 19.04.2022 /1400 hrs to 26.04.2022 / 1400 hrs

Tender and other documents

Document 1 File Name PQC-220411122536.pdf
Description pre qualification criteria
Document 2 File Name Tender Document-220411122536.pdf
Description Tender document