View Tender

Active Tenders Archived Tenders
Type of Tender open
Tender Title NIT for Provision of O&M Support of CDMS ONGC Videsh, New Delhi hereby invites indigenous open tender under two bid system for tender for Provision of O&M Support of CDMS
Tender Location India
Bid submission Mode online
NIT Date 2018-08-24 14:00:00
Bid submission End Date and Time 2018-08-24 15:00:00
Unpriced Bid Open Date and Time 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Remarks NIT for Provision of O&M Support of CDMS ONGC Videsh, New Delhi hereby invites indigenous open tender under two bid system for tender for Provision of O&M Support of CDMS

Tender and other documents

Document 1 File Name Extension-of-Bid-closing-date (1).pdf
Document 2 File Name Annex-VI-Price-Format (4).pdf
Document 3 File Name Annex-V-Matrix (5).pdf
Document 4 File Name Annex-IV-BEC (8).pdf
Document 5 File Name Annex-III-SOW (7).pdf
Document 6 File Name Annex-II (3).pdf
Document 7 File Name Annex-I (9).pdf
Document 8 File Name 1st-Page (6).pdf