View Tender

Active Tenders Archived Tenders
Type of Tender ot
Tender Number OVL/DLH/MM/IT SECURITY/1472/2019-20/OA4PC19020
Tender Title Supply, Installation, Commissioning of IT Security products and their onsite support and maintenance
Tender Location India
Section Commercial
Name of Concerned Officer Pankaj Malik
Email of Concerned Officer
Contact No. of Concerned Officer 9968602180
Bid submission Mode CPP Portal
NIT Date 2019-12-06 09:30:00
Pre bid Conference yes
Pre bid Conference Date and Time 2019-12-18 11:00:00
Pre bid Conference Country : India
Pre bid Conference State : Delhi
Pre bid Conference City : New Delhi
Bid submission End Date and Time 2020-02-27 14:00:00
Unpriced Bid Open Date and Time 2020-02-28 15:00:00

Tender and other documents

Document 1 File Name TenderDocument-191205101610.pdf
Description Tender Document
Document 2 File Name PriceFormat-191205101610.xls
Description Price Bid Format (To be uploaded duly filled ONLY in the FINANCE Cover/Price Bid Folder)
Document 3 File Name BidderResponseSheet-191205101610.xls
Description BIDDER RESPONSE SHEET (to be submitted with the techno-commercial Unpriced bid)
Document 4 File Name Corrigendum_BidSubmissionStartDate-191226110932.pdf
Description Corrigendum - Bid Submission Start Date
Document 5 File Name Corrigendum_BidSubmissionStartDate-200107103228.pdf
Description Corrigendum - Bid Submission Dates
Document 6 File Name Corrigendum_Changes_TenderDcoument-200124115602.pdf
Description Corrigendum - Change in specs, BEC & Dates
Document 7 File Name ReplyToQueries-200124115602.pdf
Description Reply to prebid Queries
Document 8 File Name Corrigendum_BidSubmissionStartDate2-200207121150.pdf
Description Corrigendum - Bid Submission Dates
Document 9 File Name Corrigendum_BidSubmissionStartDate3-200219121850.pdf
Description Corrigendum - Bid Submission Dates