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Active Tenders Archived Tenders
Type of Tender lt
Tender Number ONGC-VL/COLOMBIA/MM/LT/Well Capping Services/512/2024/13
Tender Title Hiring of Well Capping Services for 8 wells
Tender Location Overseas
Country Colombia
Project CPO5
Name of Concerned Officer Ashwani Kumar Suryawanshi
Email of Concerned Officer
Contact No. of Concerned Officer 3106391494
Bid submission Mode Email
NIT Date 2024-04-17 12:07:00
Pre bid Conference no
Bid submission End Date and Time 2024-05-02 23:59:00
Unpriced Bid Open Date and Time 2024-05-03 10:00:00

Tender and other documents

Document 1 File Name Bidding Document_Well Capping_AKS-240418135440.pdf
Document 2 File Name Annexure-7- PQC for Hiring of Well Capping Services for CPO-5 Block-240418135440.doc
Document 3 File Name OVLSC-HSE-MAN-002_Manual HSE Para Contratistas - Version 0 (1)-240418135440.pdf
Document 4 File Name OVLSC-LCM-FOR-001 Formulario de Vinculación de contrapartes-240418135440.xlsx
Document 5 File Name OVLSC-LCM-FOR-002 Autorización tratamiento de datos personales-240418135440.xlsx
Document 6 File Name Price Format_Well Capping-240418135440.xlsx
Document 7 File Name Sustainability_Annexure_V9-240418135440.pdf