View Tender

Active Tenders Archived Tenders
Type of Tender ot
Tender Number OVL/DLH/MM/Bangladesh/110/2020-21
Tender Location Overseas
Country Bangladesh
Project SS-04 & SS-09
Name of Concerned Officer SUBHASH GUPTA
Email of Concerned Officer
Contact No. of Concerned Officer +91 7042196622
Bid submission Mode Email
NIT Date 2021-02-25 11:17:00
Pre bid Conference yes
Pre bid Conference Date and Time 2021-04-12 11:00:00
Pre bid Conference Country : Bangladesh
Pre bid Conference State : Dhaka
Pre bid Conference City : Dhaka
Bid submission End Date and Time 2021-09-23 14:00:00
Unpriced Bid Open Date and Time 2021-09-23 15:00:00
Remarks Submit your bid considering all amendments (technical & commercial) & updated scope of work as per updated price bid format.

Tender and other documents

Document 1 File Name Tender document_Drilling Rig for Maitri-1X TITLI-1X Wells-210225052611.pdf
Description Tender document
Document 2 File Name Annexure-III_Scope of work-210225052611.pdf
Description Scope of work Annexure-III of tender document
Document 3 File Name Price bid format_Drilling Rig for Maitri-1X TITLI-1X Wells-210225052611.xlsx
Description Old Price bid format ( not to be used for bid submission)
Document 4 File Name Bidder Response Sheet_Drilling Rig for Maitri-1X TITLI-1X Wells-210225052611.xlsx
Description Old Bidder response sheet(not to be used for bid submission)
Document 5 File Name Instructions regarding Pre-bid conference-210301093334.docx
Description Instructions regarding Pre-bid conference
Document 6 File Name FORMAT OF SEEKING QUERIES-210301093334.docx
Description Format for seeking Pre-bid queries
Document 7 File Name Corrigendum-1-210315121145.pdf
Description Extension of date for sharing of Geohazard survey data
Document 8 File Name Corrigendum-2-210318120709.pdf
Description Revised timeline of the tender
Document 9 File Name Corrigendum-3-210429090133.pdf
Description Extension of bid submission timeline
Document 10 File Name Corrigendum-4-210531094817.pdf
Description Extension of bid submission timeline
Document 11 File Name Corrigendum-5-210610084209.pdf
Description Pre bid outcome and extension of bid submission timeline
Document 12 File Name Reply Pre bid queries-210610084209.pdf
Description Reply/clarification subsequent to pre bid
Document 13 File Name Technical Amendment_after Pre-bid-210610084209.pdf
Description Amendment(technical) subsequent to pre bid
Document 14 File Name Updated SoW_after Pre-bid-210610084209.pdf
Description Updated scope of work subsequent to pre bid
Document 15 File Name Corrigendum_BEC & Commercial_after Pre-bid-210610084209.pdf
Description Amendment (BEC & Commercial) subsequent to pre bid
Document 16 File Name Updated Price bid format_after Pre-bid-210610084209.xlsx
Description Old Price bid format ( not to be used for bid submission)
Document 17 File Name Updated Bidder response sheet_after Pre-bid-210610084209.xlsx
Description Old Bidder response sheet(not to be used for bid submission)
Document 18 File Name Extract of ECC-210611125541.pdf
Description Extract of ECC
Document 19 File Name Nearby well data-210611125541.pdf
Description Nearby well data
Document 20 File Name Nearby well_Lithology Description-210611125541.pdf
Description Nearby well lithology
Document 21 File Name Corrigendum-6-210625131833.pdf
Description Extension of bid submission timeline
Document 22 File Name Corrigedum-7-210714104108.pdf
Description Extension of bid submission timeline
Document 23 File Name Corrigendum_8-210803120536.pdf
Description Extension of bid submission timeline
Document 24 File Name Response to additional queries-210803120536.pdf
Description Reply/clarification to additional query
Document 25 File Name Technical Amendment-2-210803120536.pdf
Description Amendment-2 (technical)
Document 26 File Name Commercial Amendment-2-210803120536.pdf
Description Amendment-2 (commercial)
Document 27 File Name Bit Details of Neraby wells-210803120536.pdf
Description Bit detail of nearby wells
Document 28 File Name Corrigendum-9-210820163938.pdf
Description Corrigendum-9, Extension of bid submission timeline
Document 29 File Name Corrigendum_10-210909101748.pdf
Description Corrigendum-10, Extension of bid submission timeline
Document 30 File Name Response additional query #2 -210909101909.pdf
Description Reply/clarification to additional query
Document 31 File Name Ammendment-3( technical)-210909101946.pdf
Description Amendment-3 (technical)
Document 32 File Name Updated Price bid format 09.09.21-210909105929.xlsx
Description Updated Price bid format,(to be used for bid submission, annexure-VIII of tender document)
Document 33 File Name Updated bidder response sheet 09.09.21-210909105929.xlsx
Description Updated Bidder response sheet (to be used for bid submission, annexure-VIII of tender document)