Momentous National Safety Week at ONGC Videsh

Momentous National Safety Week at ONGC Videsh

National Safety Week campaign are organised under the theme ‘Cultivate and Sustain Safety Culture for Building Nation’ (राष्ट्र निर्माण के लिए सुरक्षा संस्कृति विकसित करें और बनाए रखें). The ultimate objective of the Campaign is to ensure integration of Occupational Health Safety (OSH) in work culture and life style.

Mr. G S Chaturvedi, Director (Exploration)-ONGC Videsh presided over the concluding session of ONGC Videsh celebrations of National Safety Week on 8th March 2019.

Campaign included not only awareness mails, safety alerts and competitions to arouse HSE awareness, but also many other activities like QHSE internal audit, illumination survey, street play, talk on ergonomics and stress management. Employees and families of ONGC Videsh including those posted overseas participated with enthusiasm in poster, cartoon, slogan and quiz competition. Safety awareness video on ‘Blind Eye Syndrome’ emphasising overcoming inhibition and use of proper tool and technique was screened. On the spot quiz competition evoked great response and participants enjoyed it. Prizes were distributed to the winners and their entries were also screened.



While delivering the concluding address, Director (Exploration)-ONGC Videsh advised to do thing in a safe way with simple day to day examples including personal ones. He emphasized on cultivating best practices and sustain a safety culture which in turn help in nation building. He further stressed the importance of HSE in overseas operations, especially in the operated blocks and wished everyone a safe and healthy future ahead.