Advertisement No.OVL/DLH/CONSLT-2023 dated 15, December 2023
Applications are invited from eligible superannuated employees of CPSE under the Administrative control of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas for engagement of Consultant/Advisor in ONGC Videsh Ltd., New Delhi on contractual basis as per following details:
Sl. No. | Position | No. of Post | E -Level | Required Experience | Upper Age Limit | Monthly Remuneration/ Emoluments |
1. | Consultant/Sr. Consultant (Operations) | 1 | E6-E7 | Minimum 25 yearsout of which minimum 10 years must be in Oil and Gas Fields/installations. International exposure of minimum 3 years is essential. Knowledge of dispute resolution mechanisms is preferable. | 62 Years | Rs.130000/
Rs.147500 |
Note :- a. * Applicant should not cross 62years on the date of engagement.
- While applying for the above level/position the applicant should ensure that the employees of ONGC/OVL and Schedule ‘A’ PSUs shall be engaged at the same levels at which they superannuated. Employees retiring from Schedule ‘B’ PSU will be considered one level below and Schedule ‘C’ PSU shall be considered two levels below for engagement purpose. In case of non-fulfilment of level as defined above, application shall be rejected.
- All interested individuals may like to see the details of requirement (double click on the positions mentioned above) and submit their application through email, in the prescribed format duly filled in, signed and scanned, along with the documents within 15 days from the date of publication (i.e. 30.12.2023) to Applications received after due date shall not be entertained. Only those individuals who fulfil the eligibility criteria may apply. For any specific query related to this advertisement you may contact (Phone number 011-26755398/5357) during working days (Monday to Friday) from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm only.
- Last Date of receipt of application: 15 days from the date of issue of advertisement.
- Date, Venue for Interaction & other details: To be intimated to shortlisted candidates in due course of time through email.
- Period of Engagement:The engagement shall be purely on contract basis for an initial periodof 1 Year which is extendable.
- Other Terms & Conditions of Engagement:
- Engaged personnel shall be hired for Headquarters at Delhi
- In case the Engaged personnel is required to relocate to Delhi / NCR from other cities and do not have their own house in Delhi / NCR, then they shall be provided partly furnished Bachelor Accommodation by the Company against recovery as per rates decided by ONGC Videsh.
- The domestic/overseas tour if any, shall be governed under TA/DA Policy of the Company according to the entitlement of their “E’’ level.
- Engaged personnel shall be eligible for 12 days CL in a calendar year @ one casual leave per month on pro- rata basis.
- The working hours shall be as per ONGC Videsh Ltd. working hours; office space will be decided by ONGC Videsh Ltd.
- He/she will have no right to claim regular employment in ONGC Videsh Ltd. later, by virtue of its contractual engagement.
- He/she shall keep confidential all information / transactions / data pertaining to ONGC Videsh received by him/her directly or indirectly.
- He/she shall be governed by the above terms & conditions as may be modified from time to time.
- In case of any conflict / contradiction related to this engagement, the decision of ONGC Videsh will be final and binding.
- The employees of ONGC/OVL and Schedule ‘A’ PSUs shall be engaged at the same levels at which they superannuated. Employees retiring from Schedule ‘B’ PSU will be considered one level below and Schedule ‘C’ PSU shall be considered two levels below for engagement purpose. Accordingly ex- employee of schedule ‘B’ and ‘C’ PSU may apply e.g. Ex Director of schedule ‘B’ can apply for position of E9 and so on.
- The engagement will be terminable on one month advance notice from either side or payment of one month Honorarium in lieu thereof. On receipt of notice of termination of Contract from Consultant / Advisor, an exit interview shall be conducted by Reporting Officer to ascertain the reasons of termination of contract and the feedback and suggestions from Consultant / Advisor for system improvement / associated job assignments etc. in the company.
(Kindly use the same format. Add additional sheets wherever required)
Please affix duly self-attested passport size recent photograph |
(For Engagement of Consultant/Advisor on contract basis at ONGC Videsh Ltd.)
Position applied for :
1. Name :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Father’s name:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Full Postal Address :…………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Telephone/Mobile number:…………………………………………………………………………………….
- e-mail address:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- DateofBirth…………………………………………. (DD/MM/YY)
- Qualifications:
No. |
Qualification | School/College/University/Institute | Year of passing |
- Experience :
No. |
Name of the Organization
/Department |
Designation | Period of Experience | Nature of Work handled | |
From (Date) | To (Date) | ||||
Note- Brief statement of purpose and how individual find herself/himself suitable for this position.(200 words) You may attach separate sheet thereof.
- Category (General/ SC / ST / OBC) :………………………………………..
- Applicant Retired as:…………………………………………………..
- Pay scale at the date of retirement………………………………..
- DateofRetirement………………………………. (DD/MM/YY)
13.Executive level in their organization ( E2 –E9/Director)……………………………………………….
- Schedule of PSU (A, B, C, )……………………………………………………
- Name of the Organization (if serving in any Organization now)……………………………………..
- Nature of Duties/Job in the current organization (attach separate sheet):
DECLARATION 1: I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false/incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after interview, my candidature/engagement is liable to be rejected / terminated at any stage.
DECLARATION 2: I hereby declare that as per the rules of ……………………………..(please mention the company you have superannuated from) I have completed the cooling off period after superannuation and is eligible to apply for the above position/Clearance by company is provided.
(Signature of the Candidate)
Name of the candidate
Kindly attach copies of following documents duly self-attested:
- Proof of Date of Birth
- Service certificate issued by PSU, at superannuation.
- Highest Educational certificate
- Proof of address