Terms of Reference – Associate Consultant/Consultant (Internal Audit)
Sl. No. | Description | Information |
1 | Roles And Responsibilities | 1. The company is a non-operating / jointly operating partner in several projects outside India and conducts Partner’s audit of these projects. The partner’s audit report are presented at various levels of management. The incumbent is required to review/prepare Agenda on Partner’s Audit for various meetings and prepare draft minutes. 2. To co-ordinate with Internal Audit team and with Business Units (BUs) and Country offices for internal audit requirements. 3. Support and co-ordinate with various Business Units/Sections for data requirement by CAG on various audits conducted by CAG and consolidate audit paras and other issues related to Internal Audit. 4. Review/prepare Agenda on Internal Audit reports for submission to Executive Committee and Audit Committee. 5. Any other job that requires co-ordination by Internal Audit. 6. On need basis, carry out Internal Audit of assigned area. 7. Any other job assigned by management from time to time. |
2 | Nature of Assignment (office / field) | Office |
3 | Duration of Assignment | One year |
4 | Position | Associate Consultant/Consultant (Internal Audit) |
5 | Level | E5 – E6 |
6 | Age Limit | 64 Years |
7 | Location | ONGC Videsh, New Delhi |
8 | Qualification required | CA / ICWA / Engineer Graduate / P.G. in Geo Sciences |
9 | Experience desired (Minimum) | 15 years in Oil & Gas Company with working experience in Internal Audit |
10 | Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof | As per Policy |
11 | Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) | Will be indicated in the Engagement Letter |
12 | Honorarium admissible as per policy | Based on E-level of engagement |