Terms of Reference – Junior Consultant/Associate Consultant (Internal Audit)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles And Responsibilities 1. The company is a non- operating / jointly operating partner in several projects outside India to co-ordinate within the company requirement of Partner’s Audit, follow up and update on status of Partner’s Audit.
2. To co-ordinate with Internal Audit team and with Business Units (BUs) and Country offices for internal audit requirements.
3. Support and co-ordinate with various Business Units/Sections for data requirement by CAG on various audits conducted by CAG and consolidate audit paras and other issues related to Internal Audit.
4. To assist Internal Audit for preparation of Agenda/Presentation of audit or other reports to management.
5. On need basis, carry out Internal Audit of assigned area.
6. Any other job assigned by management from time to time.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Junior Consultant/Associate Consultant (Internal Audit)
5 Level E2 – E4
6 Age Limit 64 Years
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification required Graduate
9 Experience desired (Minimum) 10 years in Oil & Gas Company with working experience in Internal Audit
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per Policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Will be indicated in the Engagement Letter
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E-level of engagement


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Terms of Reference – Junior Consultant/Associate consultant (Payroll)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles And Responsibilities 1. Absentee statement for employees posted outside of India:
2. Validations of NRI/NON-NRI status of employees posted outside of India:
3. Involvement in complete payroll process of the company including coordination with ONGC payroll team, HR, rectification / updates etc. and preparing salary payment authority for remittance of salary to respective bank account of employee.
4. Salary TDS data, and TDS payment, TDS returns and other tax related obligations of the company to its employees.
5. Retired employee terminal benefits.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Junior Consultant/Associate consultant (Payroll)
5 Level E3 – E4
6 Age Limit 64 Years
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification required Graduate in Commerce
9 Experience desired (Minimum) 10 year experience in Finance & Accounts with 3 years experience in SAP payroll of employee.
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per Policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Will be indicated in the Engagement Letter
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E- level of engagement


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Terms of Reference – Associate Consultant/Consultant/Senior Consultant (IT Security)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles And Responsibilities 1. Review of IT infrastructure, devices and software policies of OVL from IT security perspective.
2. Monitor implementation, compliance level and monitoring of policies and report to management through Head IT.
3. Participate in forums like IT security steering committee to enable review of IT security across all assets.
4. Initiating and carrying out Risk Assessment as per the Risk assessment plan.
5. Conducting periodic audits for compliance to IT Security Policy.
6. Conducting periodic information security awareness sessions for OVL users.
7. Arranging for independent information security audits / reviews and facilitate resolution of IT Security related issues.
8. Developing security incident handling procedures and monitoring security intrusions and activities and taking counter measures by coordinating with other departments.
9. Reviewing, analyzing and resolving the information security incidents.
10. Initiating and implementing corrective & preventive action for security incidents.
11. Initiating Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery (BCP/DR).
12. Ensure availability of infrastructure, tools and people to implement IT security policies, disaster recovery plan etc. after clearance from Head IT.
13. Ensuring compliance to the regulatory & legal requirements in consultation with various stake holders / Legal team.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One Year
4 Position Associate Consultant/Consultant/Senior Consultant (IT Security)
5 Level E5 – E7
6 Age Limit 64 Years
7 Location New Delhi
8 Qualification required Graduate in Engineering / Master in Science / Master in Computer Application and atleast have one information security related professional certification like CISM, CISSP, CISA, ISMS 27000 LA etc
9 Experience desired At least 3 years’ experience in managing IT Security infrastructure in an organization having various advanced security systems.
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Will be indicated in the Engagement Letter
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E-level of engagement


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Terms of Reference –Senior Consultant / Associate Advisor (Projects)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles and Responsibilities 1. To monitor different projects under different BUs of ONGC Videsh and bring in specialized knowledge and skills for successful monitoring and execution of projects.
2. Coordinating with relevant stakeholders both inside (RPs) and outside the organization for monitoring the Cost, Time and deliverables of the Project
3. Ensure that industry best practices, techniques and standards are utilized throughout entire project execution.
4. Monitor project risks, and mitigation plans, contingency and PMT costs.
5. Review actual project costs and expenses against budget and Industry benchmarks and report discrepancies with recommendations.
6. Provide guidance and mentor RPs for intervention to ensure that scope and schedule of the projects are achievable within given time and budget.
7. Alert management about changes in schedule with reasons and update on the budgets and annual work plan.
8. Participate in scheduled meetings and request meetings to Review project progress and deliberate on different issues.
9. Arrange monthly meeting with relevant RPs/teams for debrief on project progress and discuss issues /risks and suggest way forwards.
10. For OVL operated projects coordinate with CEO/CM/Project Director on regular basis to address issues and ensure timely delivery of projects
11. With regard to new projects in OVL operated assets, provide assistance in defining project scope, ensuring technical feasibility, selection of vendors/contractors etc.
12. Provide assistance in managing changes to project scope, schedule and cost.
13. Periodic reports for the management apprising on the project progress and highlighting changes to scope, schedule and cost.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Senior Consultant / Associate Advisor (Projects)
5 Level E7-E8
6 Age Limit As per policy
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification Master Degree or MBA in Project Management / International Business
9 Experience desired 15-20 years in hydrocarbon E&P industry
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Director(Operations)
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E-level of engagement


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Terms of Reference –Senior consultant/Associate Advisor (Commercial)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles and Responsibilities 1. Reviewing important & critical proposals, agenda materials, and advising MD on matters related to investment decisions of company.
2. Providing expert view on improvement measures in cost reduction, procurement process, pricing processes and other finance & accounting matters.
3. Advising MD on investment strategies by considering cash & liquidity positions.
4. Advising on strategies for expansion in various geographies and portfolio optimization.
5. Liaising with finance & accounting executives, auditors and tax and accounting consultants.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Senior Consultant / Associate Advisor (Commercial)
5 Level E7-E8
6 Age Limit As per policy
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification Degree in Engineering and MBA (Finance)
9 Experience desired A minimum of 25 years experience specific to handling Strategic Matters of International Oil & Gas industry
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per Policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) MD, ONGC Videsh
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E-level of engagement


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Terms of Reference –Consultant/Sr. Consultant/Associate Advisor (Legal)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles and Responsibilities 1. Advising senior management, MD and Board on various matters such as legal rights, and new existing laws and provide reviews on matters requiring legal input, after final opinion of the in-house legal department.
2. Providing guidance and mentorship to executives of in-house legal department.
3. Conducting legal research and reviewing company’s litigation strategy pertaining to legal actions.
4. Acting as a representative of the Corporation in dealing with third parties.
5. Liaising with outside counsel.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Consultant / Senior Consultant / Associate Advisor(Legal)
5 Level E6-E8
6 Age Limit As per policy
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification LLB
9 Experience desired A minimum of 25 year experience specific to handling Strategic Law Matters of International Oil & Gas industry
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity there of As per Policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) MD ONGC Videsh
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E-level of engagement.


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Terms of Reference –Senior consultant/Associate Advisor (Business Development)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles and Responsibilities 1. Providing support for evaluation of business opportunities, risks, negotiation and networking.
2. Providing support and guidance for Upstream M&A activities, acquisition of Projects, divestment of upstream projects.
3. Preparing report of the global Oil and Gas market dynamics, geopolitics scenario & trends on regular basis and submit to BD.
4. Providing support and expert opinion on handling ongoing Projects.
5. Assist to BD and senior management of company in engaging external stakeholders (NOC’s, govt., competitors & partners) and for strategizing the opportunities.
6. Up keep information and knowledge on various upstream Oil & Gas contracts/plans (PSC, JOA, Development plans etc).
7. Bring refined high-graded opportunities to the company through research and experience.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Senior consultant/Associate Advisor (Business Development)
5 Level E7-E8
6 Age Limit As per policy
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification Bachelor in Engineering / Master Degree in G&G (preferably with MBA (Finance) /MBA in International Business)
9 Experience desired 15-20 years in Hydrocarbon E&P Industry
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Head, Business Development
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E-level of engagement


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Terms of Reference –Junior consultant/Associate consultant (Civil Engineer)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles and Responsibilities 1. Preparation of cost estimates for sanction of civil construction jobs.
2. Preparation of SOW, BEC and other technical documents for civil construction of approach roads, Drill sites.
3. Floating of EOI for selection of vendors for civil construction.
4. Evaluation of civil construction tenders and award of job.
5. Preparation of SOW for hiring third party for Site supervision during construction.
6. Selection of third party for site supervision and carrying out QC, interaction with local contractors, consultancy firms and other associated stake holders.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Predominantly in Office, however, a few field visits might be required.
3 Duration of Assignment Six months, extendable.
4 Position Junior consultant/Associate consultant (Civil Engineer)
5 Level E3-E4
6 Age Limit As per policy
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification B.E / B.Tech Civil Engineering
9 Experience desired 15-20 years in construction of access road / drill site / oil installation etc.
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity there of As per policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Regional President – Asia Pacific Business Unit.
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E-level of engagement


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Terms of Reference –Associate Consultant/Consultant/Sr. Consultant (Techno Economics for E&P Projects)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles and Responsibilities 1. Provide guidance in Techno-commercial evaluation of E&P opportunities, E&P Policies & governing frameworks, E&P Contracts (PSCs/RSCs/JOAs, etc.) Bidding of Oil & Gas acreages, Management of Joint Ventures/Farm – outs & Farm – ins.
2. Examine the proposals critically and provide support to Head E&D
3. Creating data base of the proposals for future utilizations and references.
4. Developing and mentoring team and creating resources pool for dealing such nature of work.
5. Any other related work assigned by Head E&D from to time.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Associate Consultant/Consultant/Sr. Consultant (Techno Economics for E&P Projects)
5 Level E5-E7
6 Age Limit As per policy
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification Masters in Geology/ Geophysics
9 Experience desired 15-20 years’ Experience and proficiency in TEC studies softwares like Questor, Asset, Crystalball / MMRA etc.
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Head E&D
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on E-level of engagement


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Terms of Reference –Consultant/Sr. Consultant (Reservoir Engineering)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles and Responsibilities 1. Provide support to characterize reservoir through an integrated analysis of rock physics, petro physics, pressure and production.
2. Provide advice on creating property models, maps etc. on the basis of hydro-dynamic studies and classical reservoir engineering.
3. Provide support to perform decline curve analysis, material balance analysis for sound reservoir Management of existing producing fields and to firm up production profiles for the new prospect / new fields.
4. Provide support for performance review through dynamic reservoir simulation of Existing field to maximize recovery, provide support in various profile vettance using Decline curve, Material Balance and reservoir simulation whichever is applicable. Assist Reservoir team in Formulation and Evaluation of FDP by selecting the optimum development plan in order to achieve maximum recovery.
5. Provide support in EOR Screening and selection as and when required. Assist in Routine Reservoir Management to maximize production by adopting sound reservoir practices. Provide support in economic valuation of Assets etc.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Consultant/Sr. Consultant (Reservoir Engineering)
5 Level E6-E7
6 Age Limit As per policy
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification B.Tech / B.E. (Petroleum Engineering) or Equivalent
9 Experience desired 15-20 years’ experience in reservoir engineering, preparation of field development plan, reservoir simulation modelling in Eclipse and CMG, EOR Screening, Routine Reservoir Management, Well test planning and interpretation in Kappa software, Economic valuation of Assets etc.
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Head E&D
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on level of engagement


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