Initiatives in Enterprise Risk Management at ONGC Videsh

The second batch of 12 executives of ONGC Videsh including Regional Presidents (risk owners, risk cell and core team members) were imparted two days’ Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) training by M/s BSI Group India Pvt. Ltd. on 3-4 November, 2015. With this, 25 executives have undergone this training in 2014-15. Director (Finance) addressed the valedictory […]

Colombian Media Visit to ONGC Installations in India

Reporters from the two most important national and regional media i.e La Republica and El tiempo from Colombia visited India to have a look at ONGC’s production fields/ installations and smart fields during October 2015, to have a first-hand experience of ONGC’s strength and report the same back to the Colombian media. The media groups […]

ONGC Videsh to acquire 15% interest in Vankor Field located in East Siberia of the Russian Federation  

  New Delhi, 4 September, 2015: ONGC Videsh Limited signed definitive agreements to acquire up to 15% shares in CSJC Vankorneft, a company organized under the law of Russian Federation which is the owner of Vankor Field and NorthVankor license. Rosneft Oil Company, NOC of Russia holds 100% shares in Vankorneft. The acquisition is subject […]

ONGC Videsh adjudged ‘Best Miniratna’ at Dun & Bradstreet PSU awards 2015

ONGC Videsh received the ‘Best Miniratna’ award at Dun & Bradstreet PSU Excellence Awards 2015 for its stellar management and leadership. The award was received by MD of ONGC Videsh Mr. N.K. Verma. presence of who’s in the corporate world. N.K. Verma receiving the award ONGC Videsh shared the stage with leading corporate houses of […]

ONGC Videsh’s success at Imperial Energy, Russia

A far-flung location. Punishing weather conditions. Thick snow covers the expansive landscape. Sub-zero temperatures compounded by bitter winds. In this backdrop of harsh environs, a critical campaign took off, a first of its kind in Western Siberia. The hard-to-recover reserves from tight reservoirs of Snezhnoye field in the Tomsk region of Siberia presented many challenges. […]

The CEO Business Leadership Forum strengthens Indo-Canadian partnership

The CEO Business Leadership Forum on Energy Partnerships was organised by ONGC Videsh on 4th July, 2015 in downtown Calgary, Canada. Mr Dharmendra Pradhan, India’s Minister of State (Independent Charge) Petroleum and Natural Gas presented the overall energy scenario of India and the various avenues available for the Indo-Canadian partnership. The minister exhorted the Canadian […]