Mr. S.P. Garg, Director (Finance), ONGC Videsh was awarded the prestigious CA CFO ‘Oil and Gas Sector Award by the Institute of Chartered Accounts of India in a ceremony held on 16th January, 2016.The nominations were screened by a jury of eminent personalities headed by Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla and the selection was made among […]
Category Archives: Company News
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative in Sudan, steered by Mr. P.K. Rao, Director (Operations) of ONGC Videsh Limited
During visit to Sudan, Director (Operations) of ONGC Videsh Limited, Mr. P.K. Rao steered a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, under the aegis of ONGC Nile Ganga BV (ONGBV) i.e. organization of a free medical camp on 21st November 2015. The free medical camp has been organized at Elhala Eljadida area, under the guidance of […]
OVL conferred with PM’s Merit Certificate to welcome 300 MMboe production milestone in Vietnam
Indian, Russian and Vietnamese investors of Block 06.1 Offshore Gas Project in Vietnam celebrated in Hanoi recently the production landmark of 300 million barrels of oil equivalent. Another milestone was 13 years of safely operating Block 06.1, during which more than 29 million safe man-hours were achieved. On this occasion, ONGC Videsh Ltd., the largest […]
2nd Enterprise Risk Assessment at Tomsk, Russia
The second Enterprise Risk assessment for five functional groups and preparation of ERM manual was carried out from 23-27 Novemebr 2015 at Tomsk by a HQ team comprising Mr. Shambhu Nath Gupta, DGM(D) and Mr. Bimlesh Kumar Singh under the guidance of Mr. Arun Mittal, DGM(D)-CRO , ONGC Videsh with overwhelming support, participation & co-operation […]
ONGC Videsh sponsors students from South Sudan
In alignment with its mission to be a responsible corporate citizen, ONGC Videsh has offered to sponsor 20 students from South Sudan for the graduate level technical course in Petroleum Engineering in reputed institutes in India. Under this program, the first batch of five students was enrolled in the BSc (Petroleum Operations) course in the […]
Initiatives in Enterprise Risk Management at ONGC Videsh
The second batch of 12 executives of ONGC Videsh including Regional Presidents (risk owners, risk cell and core team members) were imparted two days’ Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) training by M/s BSI Group India Pvt. Ltd. on 3-4 November, 2015. With this, 25 executives have undergone this training in 2014-15. Director (Finance) addressed the valedictory […]
Colombian Media Visit to ONGC Installations in India
Reporters from the two most important national and regional media i.e La Republica and El tiempo from Colombia visited India to have a look at ONGC’s production fields/ installations and smart fields during October 2015, to have a first-hand experience of ONGC’s strength and report the same back to the Colombian media. The media groups […]
MD’s Message on Hindi Diwas
MD’s Message on Hindi Diwas
ONGC Videsh adjudged ‘Best Miniratna’ at Dun & Bradstreet PSU awards 2015
ONGC Videsh received the ‘Best Miniratna’ award at Dun & Bradstreet PSU Excellence Awards 2015 for its stellar management and leadership. The award was received by MD of ONGC Videsh Mr. N.K. Verma. presence of who’s in the corporate world. N.K. Verma receiving the award ONGC Videsh shared the stage with leading corporate houses of […]
ONGC Videsh’s success at Imperial Energy, Russia
A far-flung location. Punishing weather conditions. Thick snow covers the expansive landscape. Sub-zero temperatures compounded by bitter winds. In this backdrop of harsh environs, a critical campaign took off, a first of its kind in Western Siberia. The hard-to-recover reserves from tight reservoirs of Snezhnoye field in the Tomsk region of Siberia presented many challenges. […]