Terms of Reference –Consultant/Sr. Consultant/Associate Advisor – Interpretation Geologist (with Operation Geology experience)

Sl. No. Description Information
1 Roles and Responsibilities 1. Provide support / guidance during well – site activities, acreage management, G&G analysis, implementation of drilling strategies etc and additionally, support for Petroleum Systems modelling and Basin analysis in integrated regional studies for identification of areas of interest.
2. Provide support in implementation of exploration contracts, GTO implementation, interaction with logging functions, management of core data, pre – drill and post – drill analysis.
3. Provide advice on creating property models, maps etc.
4. Provide support during property modelling of GCM to evaluate In-place volume. Assist in Vetting of In place volume during FDP Formulation and their review.
2 Nature of Assignment (office / field) Office
3 Duration of Assignment One year
4 Position Consultant/Sr. Consultant/Associate Advisor – Interpretation Geologist (with Operation Geology experience
5 Level E6-E8
6 Age Limit As per policy
7 Location ONGC Videsh, New Delhi
8 Qualification M.Sc / M.Tech (Geology)
9 Experience desired 15-20 years’ experience in Seismic data interpretation, G&G studies along with experience in Well-site geological operations including GTO preparation.
10 Performance evaluation process & periodicity thereof As per policy
11 Reporting Authority (Name, Designation) Head E&D
12 Honorarium admissible as per policy Based on level of engagement


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Advertisement No.OVL/DLH/CONSLT-2021 (1)

Applications are invited from eligible superannuated employees of CPSEs under the administrative control Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas ,Govt of India for engagement of Consultant/Advisors in ONGC Videsh Ltd. purely on contractual basis. For details of the requirement please visit website: www.ongcvidesh.com. Last date for receipt of application is 15 days from date of publication of this advertisement.

Applications are invited from eligible superannuated employees of CPSE under the administrative control of MoPN&G for engagement of Consultant/Advisors in ONGC Videsh Ltd.,on contractual basis as per following details:

  1. Details
Sl. No. Position No. of Post Level Required Experience Upper Age Limit Monthly Remuneration/ Emoluments
1. Consultant/Senior Consultant

(Reservoir Engineering)

1 E6-E7 15-20 years’ experience in reservoir engineering, preparation of field development plan, reservoir simulation modelling in Eclipse and CMG, EOR Screening, Routine Reservoir Management, Well test planning and interpretation in Kappa software, Economic valuation of Assets etc. *65 Years Rs.130000 / Rs.147500
2. Consultant / Senior Consultant / Associate Advisor

(Interpretation Geologist with Operation Geology experience)

1 E6-E8 15-20 years’ experience in Seismic data interpretation, G&G studies along with experience in Well-site geological operations including GTO preparation. *65 Years Rs.130000 /



3. Associate Consultant / Consultant / Senior Consultant

( Techno Economics for E&P Projects)

1 E5-E7 15-20 years’ Experience and proficiency in  TEC studies software like Questor, Asset, Crystal ball / MMRA etc. *65 Years Rs.100000 /

Rs.130000 /


4. Senior Consultant / Associate Advisor (Business Development) 1 E7-E8 15-20 years’ experience in reservoir engineering, preparation of field development plan, reservoir simulation modelling in Eclipse and CMG, EOR Screening, Routine Reservoir Management, Well test planning and interpretation in Kappa software, Economic valuation of Assets etc. *65 Years Rs.147500 /


5. Junior Consultant / Associate Consultant (Civil Engineer) 1 E3-E4 15-20 years in construction of access road / drill site / oil installation etc. *65 Years Rs.80000 /


6. Consultant / Senior Consultant / Associate Advisor


1 E6-E8 A minimum of 25 year experience specific to handling Strategic Law Matters of International Oil & Gas *65 Years Rs.130000 /



7. Senior Consultant / Associate Advisor- (Commercial) 1 E7-E8 A minimum of 25 years’ experience specific to handling Strategic Matters of International Oil & Gas *65 Years Rs.147500/


8. Senior Consultant/

Associate Advisor


1 E7-E8 15-20 years *65 Years Rs.147500/



Note :- a. *  Applicant should not cross 65 years during engagement period.

  1. While applying for the above level/position the applicant should ensure that the employees of ONGC/OVL and Schedule ‘A’ PSUs shall be engaged at the same levels at which they superannuated. Employees retiring from Schedule ‘B’ PSU will be considered one level below and Schedule ‘C’ PSU shall be considered two levels below for engagement purpose. In case of non-fulfilment of level as defined above, application shall be rejected.
  2. All interested individuals may like to see the details of requirement (double click on the positions mentioned above)and submit their application through email, in the prescribed format duly filled in, signed and scanned, along with the documents within 15 days from the date of publication to OVLStrategicHR@ongcvidesh.in. Applications received after due date shall not be entertained. Only those individuals who fulfil the eligibility criteria may apply.


  • Last Date of receipt of application: 15 days from date of publication of advertisement.
  1. Date, Venue for Interaction & other details: To be intimated to shortlisted candidates in due course of time through email.
  2. Period of Engagement: The engagement shall be purely on contract basis for an initial period minimum of 6 monthsor 1 Year which is extendable.
  3. Other Terms & Conditions of Engagement:
    1. Engaged personnel shall be hired for Headquarters at Delhi and not for Foreign posting.
    2. In case the Engaged personnel is required to relocate to Delhi / NCR from other cities and do not have their own house in Delhi / NCR, then they shall be provided partly furnished Bachelor Accommodation by the Company against recovery as per rates decided by ONGC Videsh.
  • The domestic/overseas tour if any, shall be governed under TA/DA Policy of the Company according to the entitlement of their “E’’ level.
  1. Engaged personnel shall be eligible for 12 days CL in a calendar year @ one casual leave per month on pro- rata basis.
  2. The working hours shall be as per ONGC Videsh Ltd. working hours; office space will be decided by ONGC Videsh Ltd.
  3. He/she will have no right to claim regular employment in ONGC Videsh Ltd. later, by virtue of its contractual engagement.
  • He/she shall keep confidential all information / transactions / data pertaining to ONGC Videsh received by him/her directly or indirectly.
  • He/she shall be governed by the above terms & conditions as may be modified from time to time.
  1. In case of any conflict / contradiction related to this engagement, the decision of ONGC Videsh will be final and binding.
  2. The employees of ONGC/OVL and Schedule ‘A’ PSUs shall be engaged at the same levels at which they superannuated. Employees retiring from Schedule ‘B’ PSU will be considered one level below and Schedule ‘C’ PSU shall be considered two levels below for engagement purpose. Accordingly ex- employee of schedule ‘B’ and ‘C’ PSU may apply e.g. Ex Director of schedule ‘B’ can apply for position of E9 and so on.
  3. He/she shall apply only for one position.
  • The engagement will be terminable on one month advance notice from either side or payment of one month Honorarium in lieu thereof. On receipt of notice of termination of Contract from Consultant / Advisor, an exit interview shall be conducted by Reporting Officer to ascertain the reasons of termination of contract and the feedback and suggestions from Consultant / Advisor for system improvement / associated job assignments etc. in the company.




 (Kindly use the same format. Add additional sheets wherever required)




(For Engagement of Consultant/Advisor on contract basis at ONGC Videsh Ltd.)

Please affix duly self-attested passport size recent photograph


Position applied for :

  1.  Name :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Father’s name:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Full Postal Address :…………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Telephone/Mobile number:…………………………………………………………………………………….
  5. e-mail address:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  6. DateofBirth…………………………………………. (DD/MM/YY)
  7. Qualifications:


Qualification School/College/University/Institute Year of passing

8. Experience :



Name of the Organization


Designation Period of Experience Nature of Work handled
From (Date) To (Date)
Note- Brief statement of purpose and how individual find herself/himself suitable for this position.(200 words) You may attach  separate sheet thereof.






  1. Category (General/ SC / ST / OBC) :………………………………………..
  2. Applicant Retired as:…………………………………………………..
  3. Pay scale at the date of retirement………………………………..
  4. DateofRetirement………………………………. (DD/MM/YY)
  5. Date of Birth…………………………………………………… (DD/MM/YY)
  6. Executive level in their organization ( E2 –E9/Director)……………………………………………….
  7. Schedule of PSU (A, B, C, )……………………………………………………
  8. Name of the Organization (if serving in any Organization now)……………………………………..
  9. Nature of Duties/Job in the current organization (attach separate sheet):


DECLARATION 1: I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false/incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after interview, my candidature/engagement is liable to be rejected / terminated at any stage.


DECLARATION 2: I hereby declare that as per the rules of ……………………………..(please mention the company you have superannuated from) I have completed the cooling off period after superannuation and is eligible to apply for the above position/Clearance by company is provided.






(Signature of the Candidate)

Name of the candidate

Kindly attach copies of following documentsduly self-attested:


  • Proof of Date of Birth
  • Service certificate issued by PSU, at superannuation.
  • Highest Educational certificate
  • Proof of address
National Safety Week campaign was organized at ONGC Videsh from 4th March to 10th March 2021 under the theme “आपदा से सीखें और एक सुरक्षित भविष्य क तययार करें”, i.e. “Learn from Disaster and Prepare for a Safer Future”. The Campaign was aimed at spreading safety awareness and renewing the commitment of employees in making the workplace safer.Mr. A. K. Gupta, Managing Director presided over the valedictory function of ONGC Videsh held on 10th March, 2021 at its HQ office in New Delhi.

The week long campaign was kicked off on 4th March, 2021 with administering of Safety Pledge to ONGC Videsh employees by Mr. G.S. Chaturvedi, Director (Exploration) and Mrs. Rekha Misra, Head Project Finance in Hindi and English respectively. Employees participated in taking this pledge in online and offline modes, maintaining COVID appropriate behaviours.

National Safety Week celebrations included issuing of safety alerts & case studies on regular basis, online Safety Quiz for all ONGC Videsh employees at HQ and Overseas locations, various competitions like Safety slogans (both Hindi & English) and Safety poster by employees & their families, Health Talk Session by Dr. Samir Dwivedi medical Professional from M/s International SOS . Fire Safety awareness talk followed by Fire Fighting demonstration at outdoor premises of DUB was organized by ONGC Videsh HSE team with the support of ONGC’s Fire Section and was attended by both ONGC Videsh and contractual employees with great enthusiasm. Prizes were distributed to winners and a strong message for encouragement for larger participation was spread by presenting consolation prizes to other enthusiastic participants.


Director (Exploration) while delivering his concluding remarks asked everyone to work on the mantra of “Stay Healthy & Stay Safe” in these COVID times and advised to take the concept of safety beyond the workplace to our home and inculcate safety habits among our family members, specially children. Director appreciated the efforts put in by HSE team and suggested to keep sharing safety alerts, messages or videos through popping-up messages at individual’s desktop, digital displays or group mails.

Managing Director emphasised upon usage of historical data in all facets of exploration, development, production and HSE aspects and suggested to look for avenues for usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in our routine maintenance operation to move towards the target of Zero failures in processes and equipment. Managing Director congratulated all the competition winners and called upon everyone that let our actions be oriented towards the safety pledge and safety messages that are written down all around us, be it our workplace, home, on the road we travel or our community.

-By Team HSE,ONGC Videsh

The bilateral relation in energy sector between India and Russia has reached a new height with the inauguration of India Energy Office (IEO) on 2nd March 2021 at Moscow’s well-known landmark Federation Tower by Mr. Tarun Kapoor, Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Govt. of India in the presence of H.E. Mr. Pavel Sorokin, Hon’ble Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation and H.E. Mr. D. B. Venkatesh Varma, Ambassador of India to the Russian Federation along with high level delegation from India.

Mr TarunKappor, Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Inaugurating India Energy office at Moscow in the presence of Indian Ambassador to Russia D. BalaVenkatesh Varma and deputy minister of energy of Russia Pavel Sorokin.

The opening of IEO is a testimony of 5 top PSUs namely, Oil India Limited, ONGC Videsh Ltd., GAIL (India) Limited, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. and Engineers India Limited to scale up present engagements & find new business opportunities.

The high level delegation is discussing about realization of ‘Energy Bridge’ between the two countries.

The key objective of IEO is to make all out efforts for finding new business opportunities, capacity building & enhancement, tie up for new technologies for skill development, import & export of petroleum product and services.

I thank you all for the kind wishes you have expressed on my appointment as the Managing Director Of ONGC Videsh. I have assumed the charge Of MD in the middle of the black swan event which has challenged the global
hydrocarbon industry in an unimaginable manner and continues to exert pressure on its very existence. The Company has been through a transitionary phase in the last few years, in terms Of pressures Of returns on its portfolio, depletion of experience due to superannuation and transfers, and more importantly ageing of its production assets as they are past their peak/plateau production. We are therefore faced With a very challenging scenario.

The Oil industry has survived several cycles Of adversity through collective efforts of all its stake holders— be it CRINE initiative or CORAL alliances, but the current crisis has huge enormity owing to supply side pressures, cross-industry competitiveness, cleaner energy concerns, technological innovations in extracting energy from alternate resources, etc. and ONGC Videsh also has to reinvent itself to keep pace and come good in these dynamic and tough times.

I assume this office in the back drop of very high expectations from the Government, from our parent company and all our stakeholders and we need to quickly regroup ourselves to deliver against the expectations and strive to
exceed the deliverables. It calls for greater application Of mind, innovative measures, close monitoring of our assets along with partners and stakeholders, and much higher level of personal and collective efforts.

I beseech your best foot forward under the situation, in terms of carrying out proper due diligence, making concise and reasoned proposals with clarity on the analysis outcome and recommendations. Proposals must be setting clear
timelines for actions on each proposition received in your respective offices, working backwards from the scheduled date of decision, with time against each level in the approval process. I must advice, that while sincerity, hard work and timely deliverables will be suitably rewarded, any delays and fait accompli situations will invite appropriate action. The second suggestion, I want to make to all the ONGC Videsh employees is to work as a team in a cooperative mode rather than competing against each Other with a confrontational approach. Thirdly, it is extremely important in ONGC Videsh to carefully read the subject proposals, all the contract documents — PSC, JoA, Incorporation agreements, SPAs, and examine proposals in the backdrop of relevant provisions in the JV
and other contractual agreements. 4 D’s are my expectations from OVL team — discipline, diligence, dedication, and delivery.

On my part, I assure complete transparency and unbiased approach in the decisions taken. Rest assured of my unstinted support and encouragement. So, let us group together and try to take ONGC Videsh to newer levels of
excellence for its benefit and ONGC’s benefit. I am sure that with the support Of all team members and with mutual faith and respect, we shall be able to overcome all challenges and take ONGC Videsh to new heights. I must also emphasize that while discharging our responsibilities, we must observe all Covid 19 precautions and adhere to the protocols and guidelines Of the Government and ONGC.

I extend my good wishes you and your family on the ongoing festive seasons.

With warm regards,
Alok K Gupta
ONGC Videsh Limited

I write this message at the onset of a new year, with new hopes that we have left behind a once-a-lifetime viral pandemic and things will move towards normalcy as we progress in the 2021. The oil & gas industry has been an underperformer for the second half of the decade and the unprecedented social and economic upheavals caused by the pandemic, just epitomizes the seriousness of the situation for oil industry and going forward oil demand. The consequential oil price collapse has tested the revenue and cash flow position of all global oil companies.

As oilmen, we are mindful that the oil and gas industry operates through elongated megacycles of shifting supply and demand, which is accompanied by price and supply shocks. Companies with people able of respond efficiently
and adapt changes quickly, survive and excel in the prevailing volatile and uncertain market. We, in ONGC Videsh, also need to become more adept to the changing dynamics. We have to conduct our business in a manner to maintain our financial viability and global competitiveness in every possible cyclic turn-ups.

During FY 2019-20 we have produced 14.98 MMTOE of oil and oil equivalent gas which is the historic peak in the long journey of this company. The peak production synchronized with peaking of production of our key assets. The
potential Assets that can add capacities at affordable costs, in the ensuing year, are CPO-5, Colombia and SPOC, S. Sudan.

In the newer landscape, our Board mandated task is of revisiting the business strategy of ONGC Videsh. Our business planning process needs to tested for portfolio and capital allocation choices against a wide range of price and production scenarios. I have asked the team to incorporate input from all stakeholders, including Regional Presidents, and Finance and come out with the determinants of overall broader strategic direction for the company.
The exercise would help in establishing the priorities based on assessment of existing & going forward business risk and our competitive advantages & strengths, in which I expect serious indulgence of all.

I do appreciate the perseverance and hard work of colleagues, during the specific situations presented by the pandemic throughout last year. We, nevertheless, have to continue to leverage our existing strengths & freshly
learnt flexibilities, to accomplish our goals & objectives, both on personal & organizational fronts.

Let me also express great joy in congratulating the executives who have been elevated on promotion. Your hard work and determination got you the promotion you have long deserved. Good luck to all. And for those who could not make it this year, my sincere advice would be not to lose heart and continue giving your best. Acknowledgement of employee’s hard work and accomplishments will always be there and would eventually stand you out.

I wish the New Year 2021 mark the brightest beginning of a wonderful year for all the colleagues and their families and bring success and lasting happiness.

Alok K Gupta
ONGC Videsh Limited

ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), the wholly owned subsidiary and overseas arm of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC), the National Oil Company of India has made a significant strike of oil in its onshore block CPO-5, Colombia, in Llanos Basin. OVL is Operator in the block with 70% stake along with its Partner Geopark Ltd. (30% stake) an independent oil and gas company focussed in Latin America.

The well “Indico-2” lies approximately 0.9 km northwest of the well Indico-1 in subsurface and was spudded on 21 st Sep, 2020. The target depth of 10,925 ft reached on 20.10.2020. The well has encountered a net pay of 147 ft in the LS-3 reservoir of Une Formation (Cretaceous) which during initial testing produced oil of 35.2 degrees API in commercial quantity @ 6,300 BOPD, with negligible BSW of 0.11%. Currently the Well is flowing under Short Term Testing with multi bean study for further evaluation. This is the fourth commercial find in the block by OVL.

The light oil was discovered in the first well “Indico-1X” in the Indico field during December 2018, and to-date it has demonstrated a sustained flow @ 5200 BOPD with a cumulative production of over three million barrels of oil so far.

CPO-5 is a large onland block covering an area of 1,992 SKM and offers multiplay Exploratory and Appraisal opportunities. The Company now plans to drill more wells to explore the other plays in the block in immediate future. OVL is also undertaking additional 3D Seismic data to map more drillable prospects in the other sectors of the block.

OVL has a significant presence in Colombian Oil & Gas sector and holds Participating Interest in 7 exploratory blocks in addition to 2 producing blocks with 50% stake in JV Company, Mansarovar Energy Colombia Ltd (MECL).

Issued By:
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd
Corporate Communications, New Delhi,
Phone: +91-11-26754013
Mail: ongcdelhicc@ongc.co.in

Post : Director(Operations)
Issue Date : 27/11/2020
Vacancy Date : 03/11/2021
Pay Scale(Rs.) :  ₹ 180000-340000 (IDA)
Last Date of Receipt : 18/01/2021 Apply online


ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), a wholly owned subsidiary of ONGC Limited, was incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 with the objective to undertake international business of exploration and production (E&P) of oil and gas. OVL is a schedule – ‘A’/ “Miniratna (Category I)” CPSE in E&P Sector with the Administrative jurisdiction of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. The company employed 290 regular employees (Executives 280 and Non-Executives 10) as on 31.03.2020.

The authorized and paid up capital of the Company were Rs. 25,000 crores and 15,000 crore respectively as on March 31, 2020.

Its Registered and Corporate office are in Delhi.

The Shareholding of ONGC Limited in the Company is 100%


Director (Operations) is a member of the Board of Directors and reports to the Managing Director. He/She advises Chairman, the Managing Director and the Board of Directors on all matters relating to the implementation and operation of the projects identified by the Board for development and production overseas. He/She is responsible for development and production operations, project management, managing technical and field service, procurement of material and services, contracts, marketing portfolio and risk management.


1. AGE : On the date of occurrence of vacancy (DOV)

Age of superannuation 60 years
Internal Others
 Minimum  Maximum  Minimum  Maximum
45 2 years residual service as on the date of vacancy w.r.t. the date of superannuation. 45 3 years residual service as on the date of vacancy w.r.t. the date of superannuation.



The applicant must, on the date of application, as well as on the date of interview, be employed in a regular capacity – and not in a contractual/ad-hoc capacity – in one of the followings:-
(a) Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) (including a full-time functional Director in the Board of a CPSE);
(b) Central Government including the Armed Forces of the Union and All India Services;
(c) State Public Sector Enterprise (SPSE) where the annual turnover is *Rs 2000 crore or more;
(d) Private Sector in company where the annual turnover is *Rs 2000 crore or more. Preference would be given to candidates from listed companies.
(* The average audited annual turnover of three financial years preceding the calendar year in which the post is advertised shall be considered for applying the approved limits)


The applicant should be an Engineering graduate or post graduate in Geo-science with good academic record from a recognized university/ institution


The applicant should have adequate experience at a senior level in an organization of repute, out of which at least five years during the last ten years should have been in operations in Exploration & Development in Hydrocarbon sector.


(a) Central Public Sector Enterprises-
Eligible Scale of Pay

(i) Rs. 7250-8250 (IDA) Pre 01/01/1992
(ii) Rs. 9500-11500 (IDA) Post 01/01/1992
(iii) Rs. 20500-26500 (IDA) Post 01/01/1997
(iv) Rs. 51300-73000 (IDA) Post 01/01/2007
(v) Rs. 120000-280000 (IDA) Post 01.01.2017
(vi) Rs. 18400-22400 (CDA) Pre-revised post 01.01.1996
(vii) Rs. 37400-67000 + GP 10000 (CDA) post 01.01.2006
(viii) Rs. 144200-218200 (Level 14) CDA post 01.01.2016
The minimum length of service required in the eligible scale will be one year for internal candidates, and two years for others as on the date of vacancy.


(i) Applicants from Central Government / All India Services should be holding a post of the level of Joint Secretary in Government of India or carrying equivalent scale of pay on the date of application.
(ii) Applicants from the Armed forces of the Union should be holding a post of the level of Major General in the Army or equivalent rank in Navy/Air Force on the date of application.
Applicants from State Public Sector Enterprises/ Private Sector should be working at Board level position or at least a post of the level immediately below the Board level on the date of application.


Central Government Officers, including those of the Armed Forces of the Union and the All India Services, will be eligible for consideration only on immediate absorption basis.


The appointment shall be for a period of five years from the date of joining or upto the date of superannuation or until further orders, whichever is earlier.


Applicants should submit their applications on-line only as per the format.
1. The applicants should submit their applications through proper channel as follows:
(a) Government Officers, including those of the Armed Forces of the Union and All India Services: through Cadre Controlling authority;
(b) CMDs/MDs/Functional Directors in CPSE: through the concerned Administrative Ministry;
(c) Below Board level in CPSE: through the concerned CPSE;
(d) CMDs/MDs/Functional Directors in State PSE: through the concerned Administrative Secretary and Cadre Controlling Authority, if any, of the State Government;
(e) Below Board level in SPSE: through the concerned SPSE.
(f) Private Sector: directly to the PESB.
2. Applicants from Private Sector must submit the following documents along with the application form:
(a) Annual Reports of the Company in which currently working for the 3 financial years preceding the calendar year in which the post is advertised (please provide URL or attach/enclose copies);
(b) Whether the company is listed or not; if yes, the documentary proof (please provide URL or attach/enclose copies);
(c) Evidence of working at Board level or at least a post of the level immediately below the Board level;
(d) Self-attested copies of documents in support of age and qualifications;
(e) Relevant Jobs handled in the past with details.


An applicant has to give an undertaking as a part of the application that he/she will join the post, if selected. If an applicant does not give such undertaking, the application would be rejected.

1. For candidates from Central Government/Armed Forces of the Union/ All India Services

(a) The appointment is on immediate absorption basis.
(b) If a candidate conveys his/her unwillingness to join after the interview is held, he/she would be debarred for a period of two years from the date of interview, for being considered for a Board level post in any CPSE.
(c) Further, if a candidate conveys his/her unwillingness to join after the issue of offer of appointment, he/she would be debarred for a period of two years from the date of offer of appointment for being considered for a Board level post in any CPSE.

2. For candidates from CPSE

a. If a candidate conveys his/her unwillingness to join after the interview is held, he/she would be debarred for a period of two years from the date of interview, for being considered for a Board level post in any CPSE other than the one to which the candidate belongs.
b. Further, if a candidate conveys his/her unwillingness to join after the issue of offer of appointment, he/she would be debarred for a period of two years from the date of offer of appointment for being considered for a Board level post in any CPSE other than the one to which the candidate belongs.

3. For candidates from SPSE/ Private Sector

a. If a candidate conveys his/her unwillingness to join after the interview is held, he/she would be debarred for a period of two years from the date of interview, for being considered for a Board level post in any CPSE.
b. Further, if a candidate conveys his/her unwillingness to join after the issue of offer of appointment, he/she would be debarred for a period of two years from the date of offer of appointment for being considered for a Board level post in any CPSE.
4. In the above cases, no request for relaxation or otherwise would be entertained.


(a) fill up the Application Form online against this Job Description on the website of PESB –
http://pesb.gov.in/ and thereafter forward it online, as specified in para V(1);
(b) fill up the Application Form online against this Job Description on the website of PESB –
http://pesb.gov.in/, take a printout and send it offline, as specified in para V(1).

Last time/date of receipt of complete application duly forwarded to PESB is by 15.00 hours on 18/01/2021. No application shall be entertained under any circumstances after the stipulated time/date. Incomplete applications and applications received after the stipulated time/date shall be REJECTED. Board reserves the right to shortlist applicants for interview.

Applications are to be addressed to

Smt Kimbuong Kipgen Secretary,
Public Enterprises Selection Board, Public Enterprises Bhawan,
BlockNo. 14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.


New Delhi : ONGC Videsh through its wholly owned subsidiary has signed definitive binding agreements with FAR Senegal RSSD SA (Seller), a wholly owned subsidiary of FAR Limited (FAR) on –10 th November 2020 for acquiring 13.6667% participating interest in Exploitation Area (Sangomar Field) and 15% participating interest in Remaining Contract Area (Exploration Area) of Rufisque, Sangomar Offshore and Sangomar Deep Offshore (RSSD) Block, Offshore Senegal. Woodside Energy (Senegal) BV (Woodside), Capricorn Senegal Limited (Cairns) and Le Société des Pétroles du Sénégal (Petrosen – the national oil company of Senegal) are other partners in the RSSD Block.

The acquisition by ONGC Videsh is subject to satisfaction of customary conditions precedents including approvals of Senegal regulatory authorities, FAR shareholders’ approval, non-exercise / waiver of pre-emption by joint venture partners and termination of certain third party agreement. The Sangomar Field, currently under development, is located in the deep waters of Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau and Guinea-Conakry Basin (MSGBC Basin), Offshore Senegal, covering an area of 772 sq. kms. and is planned to go on production in 2023 under Phase-1 development.

The acquisition involves (i) an upfront consideration of USD 45 million with customary adjustments including the opening working capital as of 1st January 2020 and the cash calls paid or to be paid from January 2020 onwards until completion (excluding any default interest paid / payable by FAR for any delay in cash call payments). This shall be payable upon completion; and (ii) Contingent payments payable annually (capped at USD 55 million) depending upon the Brent Oil price from First Oil until the earlier of 3 years from First Oil or 31st December 2027. Total investment involved including the development cost until the first oil is expected to be around USD 600 Million.

Woodside is the operator of the Block and has recently exercised its pre-emption rights to acquire the participating interest held by Cairns in the RSSD Block. Post completion of acquisition of Cairns stake by Woodside, Woodside shall hold 68.3333% participating interest in Sangomar Field and 75% participating interest in Exploration Area while Petrosen shall hold 18% participating interest in Sangomar Field and 10% participating Interest in Exploration Area of the RSSD Block.

The completion of the present transaction would mark ONGC Videsh entry in Senegalese offshore in a significant project under development and is consistent with its strategic objective of adding high impact exploration and near-term production assets to its existing E&P portfolio.

About ONGC Videsh
ONGC Videsh is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), the National Oil Company of India, and is India's largest international oil and gas E&P Company. At present, ONGC Videsh has participation in 37 projects in 17 countries across the globe. ONGC Videsh is currently producing about 250 thousand barrels of oil and oil equivalent gas per day and has total oil and gas reserves (2P) of about 587 million tons of oil equivalent (MMTOE) as on 1st April, 2020. For more information visit: https://www.ongcvidesh.com.

About ONGC
ONGC is the largest crude oil and natural gas producer in India, contributing around 76 percent to Indian domestic production. During the financial year ended 31 st March, 2020 (FY’20), ONGC Group had produced about 63 MMTOE (approx. 1.26 MMboe per day); the Consolidated Gross Turnover was INR 4,250 billion (about USD 60 billion) during FY’20 and total consolidated oil and gas reserves (2P) were 1,359 MMTOE as on 1 st April 2020. For more information visit: https://www.ongcindia.com

Industry veteran AK Gupta has taken over as Managing Director & CEO of ONGC Videsh, the international petroleum company of India and the overseas arm of national oil and gas major ONGC. He brings with him over three decades of experience in various capacities in domestic and overseas oil and gas exploration and production operations.

Before getting elevated to MD, He has been the Director (Operations) of ONGC Videsh, where he has been relentless in framing future strategies for the company in different global geographies amidst the unprecedented challenges imposed by COVID-19 pandemic. During his stewardship the company achieved the highest ever production of Oil & Gas of 14.981 MMTOE in 2019-20. Several major projects could make definitive progress under his able leadership and
are set to contribute and strengthen the overall portfolio of ONGC.

He possesses an extensive experience across the E&P value chain, especially in business development earned during his tenure as Head of New businesses in Marketing in ONGC and Head Business development in ONGC Videsh, both for the domestic and international markets, and in handling commercial negotiations with alliance partners, regulators, customers and National Oil Companies.

Some of his noteworthy contributions have been in implementing projects from concept to commissioning, executing projects in diverse geographies in Myanmar and Vietnam in Asia Pacific, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela in Latin America, quite few of them under very trying circumstances.

Mr Gupta started his career in 1984 when he joined ONGC’s corporate office as a young Graduate Trainee after obtaining his graduation degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Roorkee in 1983. He subsequently acquired MBA in Finance & Marketing from FMS, Delhi University in 1999.